November 24


Tips for a Cozy Home: Cleaning, Decorating and Prepping for the Festive Season!

By Carolyn

November 24, 2010

coziness, december month, declutter, feng shui, festive season, happiness, tips for a cozy home

It’s not just about Spring cleaning! Clear out clutter in the Autumn to prepare for the cozy winter ahead. There’s something so satisfying about it. Why not try arranging candles of varying lengths on a pretty tray or table to add a touch of magic to your home?

Your home will become a cozy and inviting place where you can truly relax and unwind. Start by making a list of all the tasks that need to be done and break them down into manageable chunks. Set aside time each day or week to tackle these tasks so that you’re not overwhelmed.

When it comes to decorating your home for the festive season, think beyond the traditional red and green color scheme. Consider incorporating metallics, like gold and silver, or even jewel tones like emerald and sapphire. Hang twinkle lights and garlands throughout your home to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Finally, don’t forget to stock up on cozy blankets, pillows, and throws. Layer them on your sofa and chairs for a comfortable and inviting look. And don’t forget to add a little bit of seasonal fragrance with candles or essential oils.

By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home that you’ll love coming back to all winter long.

Enjoy the process of preparing your home for yourself and the upcoming festive season!

Love & Light, C xox

Over de auteur

Meet yours truly, a savvy female investor who caught on to the Bitcoin craze way back in 2018. After doing some Marie Kondo magic on my house and selling things that no longer sparked joy, I had some cash to play around with. Little did I know, my hunch for this top-notch asset would pay off big time! Now, I'm living my best life, stacking up Satoshis every week and HODL-ing on tight! Cheers to living an abundant, happy & healthy lifestyle! 

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