December 10


Clearing Out the Attic and Decorating for Christmas

By Carolyn

December 10, 2010

christmas, Christmas decorations, Christmas Feng Shui, declutter

Clearing Out the Attic and Decorating for Christmas

In my recent posts, I wrote about how I cleared out my attic of all the clutter that had piled up. It was so overwhelming that I couldn’t even fit anything up there anymore, and had built a mound around its entrance. However, I finally had the courage to throw most of it out, and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

However, I hadn’t yet gone through our huge box of Christmas decorations. Since we’re getting our tree tomorrow, I decided to take a look and see what was inside. I discovered many empty old boxes and tatty bits and bobs, but I was also delighted to find precious white and silver birds, Santas, and balls wrapped in tissue paper. I even found lights for both big trees and little kids’ trees, all neatly rolled up and untangled. I was proud of the job I had done sorting it out and felt well-prepared for the upcoming tree decorating.

While I let my children decorate the tree in their own way and don’t worry too much about color schemes, I do give them hints and tips. I believe that the energy surrounding the tree and the love that goes into choosing and decorating it are what makes it truly special and meaningful.

So, happy Christmas tree choosing and decorating to all!

Love C, xox

Over de auteur

Meet yours truly, a savvy female investor who caught on to the Bitcoin craze way back in 2018. After doing some Marie Kondo magic on my house and selling things that no longer sparked joy, I had some cash to play around with. Little did I know, my hunch for this top-notch asset would pay off big time! Now, I'm living my best life, stacking up Satoshis every week and HODL-ing on tight! Cheers to living an abundant, happy & healthy lifestyle! 

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