February 4


Feng Shui tip

By Carolyn

February 4, 2011

feng shui, konmari, wealthy mindset

Bowl of fruit

Place a bowl of fresh fruit on your dinner table.

  • Don’t stimulate the energy in your toilet or bathroom and keep these doors closed and toilet seat down… can flush away your luck and good fortune…. and besides it looks prettier anyway!
  • Make sure you keep children’s bedrooms tidy, and that they sleep in the correct direction according to their Kuanumber (google)
  • make sure you have no clutter under your bed.
  • Where ever you sit in your home try avoiding sitting with your back facing a door!


Have a great weekend and go about your home making small changes, experiment and have fun!

Love, C

Over de auteur

Meet yours truly, a savvy female investor who caught on to the Bitcoin craze way back in 2018. After doing some Marie Kondo magic on my house and selling things that no longer sparked joy, I had some cash to play around with. Little did I know, my hunch for this top-notch asset would pay off big time! Now, I'm living my best life, stacking up Satoshis every week and HODL-ing on tight! Cheers to living an abundant, happy & healthy lifestyle! 

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