January 29


Feng Shui quote

By Carolyn

January 29, 2011

feng shui, friendship, healthy relationship, relationship

Best Friends For Ever

Love for my Blog drove me to still write the quote today, no matter who reads it, no matter what others think of me!
Realising yet again that: Really good, great, loving, wonderful friendships with women are a gift.

Space Clearing

Well I’m a great one for sticking to my new year’s resolutions. I just didn’t get round to writing my Friday Feng Shui Quote, because I had been rushing around doing shopping, brainstorming at my friends house for her 50th birthday party and making a ‘To Do’ list for her. What to clean, de-clutter and made an appointment to do a ‘Space Clearing Ceremony’ for her so the energy of her house will be vibrant and light for her guests when they arrive!

Then dashed off to Düsseldorf.. as I had a meet-up with some friends ….and went to see the musical ‘Grease’… which was funny for me to listen to… being British of course… the actors where talking in German and singing in English… how weird was that… but I remained COOL on that one!…prosecco afterwards and off back home…2 am!!!! Yawn…So that’s why I am writing now….. did have a fun day though!Feel this is a very appropriate quote!

the quote:

“We spend the 1st of January walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe, this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives …. not looking for flaws, but for potential.”

~ Ellen Goodman ~ What’s your potential…???Have a wonderful weekend,Love, C

Over de auteur

Meet yours truly, a savvy female investor who caught on to the Bitcoin craze way back in 2018. After doing some Marie Kondo magic on my house and selling things that no longer sparked joy, I had some cash to play around with. Little did I know, my hunch for this top-notch asset would pay off big time! Now, I'm living my best life, stacking up Satoshis every week and HODL-ing on tight! Cheers to living an abundant, happy & healthy lifestyle! 

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