Creating a Life of Abundance: Join the HappiNest Academy and Prosper 

Fran & Carrie

Change Your Life With My

Online Abundance Courses and Bundles

Includes: More than 40 Video Tutorials, Guides, workbooks, checklists, habit trackers, weekly planners & playlists, 6 modules + 2 bonus modules

Together with me as your Mentor you'll work on these categories:

Clothes, Books, Paperwork, Komono, Sentimental & Feng Shui 


2 extra bonusses: Digital and Money Flow

Regular Price: €747

Today's Price: €447*

* currenty on sale until Autumn 2024!

Tidy HappiNest Festival Course

Unlocking the Secrets to Abundance:

Join the Joyride Today With My Comprehensive Course 

Welcome the place where you can sip a steaming hot latte in your lounge gear, hang with me, and learn how to build out your dream home and abundant lifestyle step-by-awesome-step using the KonMari Method and more.

My Promise to you . . . .  

Transform your space, transform your life. By owning your happiness and designing a living space that truly feels like home, you can experience joy, fulfillment, and a sense of security. Let me guide you on how to create an environment that inspires and uplifts you.

At HappiNest, we're dedicated to helping you simplify your life and create a stress-free home. From decluttering tips to home organization and financial hacks, we've got you covered.

### Our Mission

Our mission is to assist you in taking the first steps towards a more organized and beautiful home. By providing guidance on decluttering, financial management, and home organization, our goal is to enable you to live a more beautiful and relaxed lifestyle.

### Discover More

Are you curious to learn more? Start your journey towards a more beautiful and relaxed lifestyle by enrolling in our online Abundance course – How to Declutter Your Home and Find More Peace and Financial Prosperity.

Create a Beautifully Organized Home with the HappiNest Programme

As a busy woman, you deserve a home that is both beautiful and organized. Did you know that a cluttered home can have a negative impact on your mental health and wellbeing? That's why I created the HappiNest Program - to help women like you achieve the home you've always wanted. Follow my simple steps to declutter with ease and experience true inner peace.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by a messy home? Do you constantly struggle with a lack of storage space for your belongings? Let the HappiNest Program guide you, room by room, until you have the home you so deeply desire.

Don't wait any longer to reach your dream home and life. Sign up now for my Online Abundance Course, complete with video tutorials and information to get you started. Remember, dreams can become a reality but taking action is the key to making it happen.


What happy Customers say

I had LOTS and LOTS of clothes and just never seemed to get round to sorting them out. Carolyn has worked miracles with me. Coaching and supporting me to make the right choices. Nothing was ever too much bother. 

Mo Bleeck

 Entrepreneur | Physio Practice Owner

Working with Carolyn has been like a dream. She got me going and I soon learned which clothes sparked joy and which I could let go of in gratitude. Now my wardrobe looks stunning and I can always find everything. On to do my whole house.

Marijke vd Pol

Therapist Core Energetics

At first I was really sceptical, however I was quite disorganised and wondered whether this could work for me. In short 100% YES! I have loved working with Carolyn. This has had a profound impact on me and I have fallen in love with the system. Even my kids are impressed.

Martine B


Tidy HappiNest Festival Course

What's Included?

Includes: More than 40 Video Tutorials, Guides, workbooks, checklists, habit trackers, weekly planners & playlists, 6 modules + 2 bonus modules

Module 1 Clothes

Decluttering your clothes first is the best way to organise because it encourages you to focus on what brings you joy and to let go of anything that no longer serves you. By systematically evaluating each item and only keeping those that spark joy, you create a wardrobe that truly reflects your personal style and makes you feel good. This approach also helps to prevent future clutter by teaching you to be more mindful of what you bring into your home. Overall, decluttering your clothes using this method can lead to a more organized, intentional, and joyful way of living.

Module 2 Books

Decluttering your books second is the best way to organise because it focuses on keeping only the books that truly spark joy in your life. By holding each book and asking yourself if it brings you happiness, you can let go of any books that no longer serve a purpose in your life. This not only frees up physical space but also mental space, allowing you to appreciate and enjoy the books that you truly love. Additionally, organising your books in a way that makes them visible and easily accessible can help you appreciate them more and encourage you to read more often.

Module 3 Paperwork

Decluttering your paperwork third is an effective method for organising your documents. By first categorising all of your papers into specific categories such as bills, important documents, and miscellaneous items, you can then sort through each category in a deliberate and thoughtful manner. This approach allows you to evaluate each item and determine whether it sparks joy or not, and dispose of any unnecessary papers. This method can lead to a more streamlined and efficient system for managing your paperwork, reducing clutter, and freeing up space in your home or office.

Module 4 Komono

Decluttering your Komono, or miscellaneous items, is the best way to organise because it allows you to focus on the items that you truly need and value. By sorting through these items and getting rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose or brings joy, you can create more space and clarity in your home. This can lead to a more peaceful and enjoyable living environment, as well as a more mindful and intentional approach to the items you choose to keep in your life. Overall, decluttering your Komono can help you to live a more organised, simplified, and fulfilling life.

Module 5 Sentimental

By taking the time to go through your sentimental items and deciding which ones truly spark joy, you can create a space that is filled only with items that bring you happiness and positive memories. This not only makes it easier to keep your space organized, but it also allows you to appreciate and cherish the sentimental items that you have chosen to keep even more. It's the last category because we often find this the hardest to do.

Module 6 Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on the arrangement and alignment of objects in a space to create a harmonious environment that promotes health, happiness, and prosperity. By incorporating Feng Shui principles into the design of a home, individuals can create a space that feels balanced and peaceful while also reflecting their personal style and preferences. A well-designed home that follows Feng Shui principles can improve the flow of energy, enhance well-being, and even promote better sleep. By understanding and utilizing Feng Shui, individuals can create a beautiful and happy home that supports their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Receive 2 extra Bonus Modules:  Digital Clutter and Money Flow

Regular Price: €747

Today Price: €447*

* currenty on sale until Autumn 2024!


Do I get all 6 modules plus the 2 bonus modules immediately?

Upon purchase, you will gain instant access to all the modules in both English and Dutch, as well as two bonus modules. Please check your inbox and spam folder for an email containing your login details and password.


Our course is designed to be user-friendly with well-structured video tutorials that will walk you through each step of the decluttering process. Follow along with the categories provided, and you'll be able to finish at your own pace. Depending on your availability, the course can take anywhere from two weeks to two months.


Unfortunately, personal coaching is not possible with Carolyn or any of our team members. However, if you would like to schedule a one-on-one coaching call, please reach out to us through our contact email. We will provide information about available times and pricing.


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at Our team will respond to you as soon as possible.


Please note that your access will not be unlimited. Instead, you will have one year to fully immerse yourself in creating an organized and joy-filled life. This timeframe is designed to motivate you to take action and witness the benefits of living in abundance.


To be eligible for a refund, you must have completed the course by watching all videos, answering the workbook questions, decluttering your space, and providing before-and-after photos of your progress. We will monitor your progress through the dashboard to ensure that you have met the requirements.
